Tuesday 16 April 2013

What is your favorite song ? comment below

What is your favorite song ? comment below .
I don't actually have a specific favorite song, I guess it all depends on what I want to hear when I am in what mood .
What about you ?
I love Kpop .

Wednesday 10 April 2013

what do you think about swimming?

Summer !!
Swimming pools , here we come !
What is your favorite thing about summer ? Mine is the refreshed feeling after swimming , cramped legs after that as well LOL .

Saturday 6 April 2013


Everything is getting crammed now ! I am studying for the SAT , but I want to go with Japanese as well .
What would you have done ?
I am a freshman , so I have 1 year till I am planning to take the SAT ?
How can I organize my time ?

Sunday 31 March 2013

Bragging about learning a language !

Today I was writing ( practicing ) my hiragana for the last time , and i can finally say that I COMPLETELY MASTERED it !
I was bragging ( not exactly ) about learning Japanese ! Lots of my classmates where like O_o since they were really surprised about me learning Japanese of all languages ! That really gave me a push and I am more excited to learn it now !
Why don't you try telling others as well , it sure helps .
Listen to this song as well , and try practicing some of the sentences , I know all of it YAAY me !

please share , and leave comments if you have any questions I will be really glad to help :)

Friday 29 March 2013

Life Is A Maze !

If the world was a big maze .. Then that means that the only way out isn't actually the way out.
Since leaving the maze .. takes out all the fun ! I guess we better enjoy living  in a fun twisted maze ..
When life gets hard , you can choose between the right and the left turn , but you would still be in the maze , this idea is really cool when you think about it ..
I couldn't stop myself from laughing when I tried picturing myself wondering about which path to take !! LOL
Sometimes life may seem really weird ! Sometimes it is just the ordinary boring everyone's life type . If you were to choose one , which one would it be ?
Most people think that your life is already chosen , but it actually isn't .
You are the BOSS ! You make the decisions ! So, don't go blaming life .. but try to change the left turn you took to a right turn :)
And remember that  you might think you choose a different path in a maze but you would actually be going around in circles .
Life is a maze :)

Hello World ...!! I am just curious is anyone reading my Blog ?!
Please leave a comment even a dot will do :(

Hot sauce

My hand hurts , I wrote a lot today but it was worth it .I feel like I am on a whole new level in Japanese :)
I am really excited !
Today I learned the first a,i,e,o,u katakana , I finally found time to do it ..
I had a week off school but school continues on Sunday so tomorrow is the last day off ..
I really do hate school, even though I am an A+ student .. and I like studying ( weird HUH?) but i hate the part where I wake up in the morning - I love sleeping - .... wish school wasn't at 7 am !
I always have to wake up at 6 am !
There is something that my classmates and teachers don't know which is that I never study , I even do my homework in the car while going to school or at the class .. LOL ! since I am an A+ student , I am sure that they think I will be studying as soon as I go home , I like how they think I am nerd , it makes me feel SMART !
:) I am in the 9th grade still have 2 months till finals :)
Today was quite boring it is just 2:30 pm but , I can already predict that nothing is going to happen ..
I was quite disappointed today , since I was looking forward to eating Sushi , it has been 2 months since the last time I had it .. but I couldn't and write now I am eating some boiled potato with aloooot of hot sauce - still tasty :) - ..

Thursday 28 March 2013

Just finished watching the Korean Drama : Still, Marry Me

Still, Marry Me depicts lives of three women who are closing one chapter of their life and entering the next. Lee Shin Young (Park Jin Hee), Jung Da Jung (Uhm Ji Won) and Kim Boo Ki (Wang Bit Na) are three women in their 30s whose romantic relationships have faltered due to their career ambitions, but find themselves given a chance to make a fresh start.  

Hehehehehe now this was really fun to watch ! It has been along time since I laughed this much watching a K-Drama ! 
My favorite character ( the funny character ) was the doctor, to be honest all the characters were too funny that it was hard to choose one! But the doctor was really weird !

Harvest Moon DS Cute

  Do you know this game ?
It is really fun , It is called HarvestMoon Ds Cute .
Its story is amazing , and I used to play it without getting much sleep !
You can either get it for your Nitendo DS or download it on your PC !

If you want to download it , just leave a comment and I will send you the link .

There are two versions of the game a girl and a boy version  :)
I really recommend it !
If you need any help with it , you can leave a comment as well , I will be glad to help :)
 Make sure , you have a password to secure your account LOL , since I really do have an awful memory with that .... I almost had everything , until someone saved their game data over mine and BAM all lost ! so be careful :@
Sandra Barker.

The boy's version of the game is called : Harvest Moon DS. (HMD)
The girl's version of the game is called : Harvest Moon DS Cute . (HMDC)

A great link for you to try

Hehehehe... So I guess that a blog is something that everyone can see..
Hmmmm..  Mom keeps telling me to learn Chinese instead of Japanese but I don't want to , Chinese is really hard and it is close to impossible for me .. What about you ? Do you think that Chinese is more important than Japanese ? Today I discovered this website , it has some amazing lessons on Japanese and I wanted to share it with those of you who might be interested ..
By the way .. I am taking a week off Japanese ( I know I just started , but I am a student so.. )
During this time I am exploring internet for helpful websites and I will share them with you guys ...
By the way , If anyone might know a good library in KSA , AlRiyadh , that sells japanese books then please share it with me ... cuz we moved here last July , and I can't find foreign books here :(
Arigatou Gozaimasu 、 ありがとうございます .

Sandra Barker.

Wednesday 27 March 2013

My first post

Well , this is my first post .. So far I have always liked writing statuses on Facebook ..
So , today while I was reading some tips about learning Japanese , there was that tip about creating your blog and sharing your achievements with people .. ( now honestly I am not sure wither a blog will be visible to all people or just to my address book contacts - I hope it is the first option though )
So ... to be honest I have ZERO contacts in this account so WOW if the second option was true .. then I guess I will be talking to myself alot ..
I got interested in Japanese at first when I started watching Anime .. But I never made a step and learned it .. It was just a shallow interest where you will just say ' I like Japanese .. ' ... After a while I started hearing Japanese songs .. mostly Anime's OST , since I heard these songs for almost a thousand time .. I had already memorized them .. but it was really funny to be singing something that you don't even understand ..
SO 3 weeks ago I started learning Japanese online and I am still doing that ..
hmmmm... so since it is my bed time now I can't write anymore ..
I am now at a decent level in Japanese ..

I will share all my tips while learning .. :)

Sandra Barker.